Covering festival bars and stages this summer

Summer 2022 has been back to full throttle from an events perspective. With Covid beginning to look like a thing of the past we’ve seen many of our favourite events return with a bang in 2022.

For the clients that were able to keep their events going over a tough few years, we’ve been lucky enough to help provide stretch tent cover for their bars and stages. It felt good to get back on-site and in the English countryside. We’ve been on the road since June and our team of riggers have been touring around day and night to provide stretch tent cover for festivals, freshers weeks and award ceremonies!

As we continue to adapt to our clients’ need for temporary, pop-up covered space, and all year round via MyTent, we thought it would be nice to show a little bit of love to some of the events we’ve worked with.

Naked City, London

We provided stretch tents for bars across the festival site.

We provided stretch tents for bars across the festival site.

Wilderness, Oxfordshire

The bar in the valley before the decor and serving station has been installed.

The bar in the valley before the decor and serving station has been installed.

Mighty Hoopla, London

Hospitality in the Park, London

Standon Calling and more!


If you’re curious to get a better understanding of how UK festival’s survived Covid and 2021, watch this video by the Financial Times. You’ll also see a bunch of our tents here!